Arquivo de 5 de dezembro, 2007

Snapping the Present, Perpetuating the Past

5 de dezembro, 2007

I thank my God every time I remember you…. Philippians 1.3

I wrote a thank you letter a few days ago. It was to one of my father’s sisters, a Christian lady, energetic and active, that lives in Canada. This aunt and my mom were born about a month apart, but she actually married after I did.

When I was a girl, Aunt H worked with her brothers on my grandfather’s farm (my grandpa died when I was about three). Besides milking the cows, she took care of an enormous garden, drove the tractor, worked in the field… She also helped her mother with the housework. She was always a cheerful and vigorous person. I thought that this would be her destiny forever.

Picture of me in front of the hospital where my brother was born. Taken by my Aunt.

Since she left Holland before finishing her studies, Aunt H did not have a high school diploma. I didn’t accompany the details of this phase, but I later learned that she studied at night to receive this diploma and, one day, she appeared in our home to say goodbye. We all were sad, not understanding…

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Clicando o Presente, Perpetuando o Passado

5 de dezembro, 2007

Dou graças ao meu Deus todas as vezes que me lembro de ti...
Filipenses 1.3

Já que estava com a “mão na massa” com a postagem anterior, resolvi escrever mais uma carta de reconhecimento—desta vez para a irmã do meu pai, uma senhora cristã, dinâmica e forte, que mora no Canadá. Esta tia tinha a mesma idade que minha mãe mas casou-se depois de mim.

Quando eu era menina, Tia H trabalhava com os irmãos na fazenda da minha avó (meu avô morreu quando eu tinha uns três anos). Além de tirar leite do gado, cuidava de uma enorme horta, dirigia o trator, trabalhava no campo… Também ajudava sua mãe com a casa. Era uma pessoa sempre alegre e disposta. Eu pensava que este seria o destino dela para sempre.


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